Presenting and discussing Cyber Republic with David Wood and the London Futurists.
Tag: Citizen Assemblies
Reinventing liberal democracy in the age of intelligent machines: a talk
[slideshare id=239806582&doc=conwayhallslides-201206081152] Transcript of my talk at Conway Hall Ethical Society of London, and London Futurists. Let me start with the word “democracy”. If you think that you are citizens living in a democracy you are mistaken. You, I, are citizens in a constitutional republic – or monarchy, as is...
Citizen Assemblies: a TEDx talk
[youtube] Do you trust your politicians? The people who represent you, and take decisions on your behalf about vital things, like health, education, national defence, and importantly where your taxes are spent Research data show that trust in politicians is at an all-time low across most liberal democracies. In...