[slideshare id=55605976&doc=digitalemployeeengagement-151128161849-lva1-app6891] Sharing my thoughts on how HR Tech systems fail to enable employee engagement, and how to rethink their design by applying principles from the Integrated Digital Engagement Model that I have developed for Towers Watson.
Tag: Artificial Intelligence
The three main questions in my book “In Our Own Image”
A short video where I explain the three main questions that I address in my book on Artificial Intelligence, "In Our Own Image".
Will robots destroy the human race? A debate at the Art Club
The full video of the debate that took place at the Art Club in London on Monday 14th September 2015. For the motion were Ian Yorston (Director of Digital Strategy at Radley College) and Dale Lane (Senior Developer at IBM Watson). Against the motion were Murray Shanahan (Professor of cognitive...
Robots and the future of work
[slideshare id=52986898&doc=robotsandhumans-150920160848-lva1-app6892] In this concept deck I examine some global macroeconomic data from the past sixty years to argue that automation is a major factor behind the increase in global productivity. Cognitive computing and highly adaptable robotics will solve the problem of productivity having flattened out in most industrial countries - the...
Driverless cars should be like horses (not humans)
The new driverless car from Google has no break pedal or steering wheel. And that's because the consensus is that driverless cars should completely replace the human driver. Even blind people would be able to drive them. They will be like elevators: push a button and wait till the thing...
Melancholic android singing
Geminoid F singing True, True, like an ode to the future. How can you not stand still and listen. How can you not feel that she somehow knows what she's singing about....
The big bang of the human mind, and our desire to build artificial beings
[slideshare id=46037137&doc=thebirthofart-150319085231-conversion-gate01] The "big bang of the human mind" took place around 40,000 years ago, when our prehistoric ancestors developed general purpose language. The reasons why this happened are yet unclear, and probably involve a number of genetic mutations. We know that something changed because of the emergence of art,...
Welcome the mechasexual
Would you make love to a machine? Although this question may strike one as ludicrous, science’s answer is that it all depends how the machine looks like; as well as whether you are a man or a woman. As evolutionary psychologist Steven Pinker tells us in his book “How the...
Gerald Edelman and AI
Gerald Edelman passed away on May 17, 2014 in La Jolla, California. In 1972 he won the Nobel Prize (together with Rodney Porter) for solving the antibody structure, and explaining how the immune system functions. His research into antibodies led him to realize the enormous explanatory potential of selective-recognition systems....