AI is a transformative technology with enormous economic, scientific and social benefit, one that is driving the fourth industrial revolution. Advanced machine learning algorithms are already dramatically changing how private and public institutions function, by automating numerous cognitive processes, generating new efficiencies, and enabling deeper, data-derived insights and predictions. Despite...
Tag: Artificial Intelligence
Reinventing liberal democracy in the age of intelligent machines: a talk
[slideshare id=239806582&doc=conwayhallslides-201206081152] Transcript of my talk at Conway Hall Ethical Society of London, and London Futurists. Let me start with the word “democracy”. If you think that you are citizens living in a democracy you are mistaken. You, I, are citizens in a constitutional republic – or monarchy, as is...
Launching Cyber Republic at the LSE Video of my conversation with Lichelle Wolmarans about Cyber Republic, organized by the LSE Alumni on October 27, 2020.
Economist Interview: The State of the Digital Economy
Together in the recording studio with Economist Intelligence Unit Editor Pete Swabey (left) and Professor Annabelle Gower of Surrey University, discussing the Future of the Digital Economy. You can listen to the podcast here.
AI Explained
This TechCrunch video explains AI and makes reference to my book "In Our Own Image".
The Chinese edition of “In Our Own Image”
Today I received copies of the Chinese Edition of my book "In Our Own Image: the history and future of Artificial Intelligence" sent by my Chinese publisher China Citic Press. To celebrate the arrival of the books a good friend send me this, in Chinese: 正如中国有一句讲到:要想富先修路 - it means (I m...
The impact of AI on work
[slideshare id=66410297&doc=fourthirzarkadakis-160926075257] This is my full deck on ideas about the future of work as the fourth industrial revolution changes the economic and social landscape.
AI and the C-suite
Full transcript of my interview with Lisa Morgan for her Information Week article. Generally speaking, how aware of AI does the average C suite have to be these days and why? What should their attitude about it be? The C-suite is becoming increasingly aware of the impact that AI will have...
The trouble with deep neural networks
In October 2015, and in relative secrecy, a major milestone in Artificial Intelligence was reached. AlphaGo, an algorithm developed by Google to play the game Go, beat Fan Hui, the Go champion of Europe, by five games to zero. The results, as well as an insight to the algorithm, were...
Talking about robots, androids and the future of humans