
Business and Politics

Data trusts could be the key for better AI. Harvard Business Review (10/11/2020). Discussing the key lessons of a Data Trust for business pilot that I led at Willis Towers Watson.

How data trusts can democratize the AI economy and accelerate innovation. Atlantic Council (22/10/2020). Discussing the data privacy versus utility dilemma and how data trusts can solve it by enabling the ethical, secure and compliant sharing of sensitive data among data producers.

Do platforms work?. Aeon magazine (28/5/2018). How cryptonetworks and token economics can reinvent business organizations and deliver digital platforms that spread wealth more equitable among the workers.

The economy is more a messy, fractal thing than a machine. Aeon magazine (13/10/2016). A refutation of the equilibrium assumption of neoclassical economics in favour of complexity, and what this framework of thinking can tell us about the possible impact of job automation on the economy and democracy.

The 3 ways work can be automated. Harvard Business Review (13/10/2016). A state of play with regards to work automation technologies (RPA, cognitive automation, social robotics), and how businesses should assess their applicability, benefits and costs.

Automation will make us rethink what a “job” really is. Harvard Business Review (12/10/2016). The difference between “proficiency” and “pivotal” jobs, and its importance in assessing the impact of cognitive automation on jobs and company organisation.

How to fix the online search inequality. World Economic Forum Agenda (14/10/2015). An op-ed on how current search technology creates barriers and how cognitive computing and cybernetics could reimagine search and level the field of the digital economy.

Modern Greece’s real problem? Ancient Greece. The Washington Post (4/11/2012). A critique of the established national narrative of Greece, and how it affects the country’s politics in the face of economic crisis.

Atlas Shrugged is my regular business column on online Andro magazine, where I discuss startups, entrepreneurialism, and sometimes Greek politics (in Greek).

The Huffington Post

Posting regularly on the cross-section of futurist technology, art, culture and philosophy. For a full list of my posts see here. See below some sample titles and descriptions of past posts:

How smart can a smart machine become? The Huffington Post (11/6/2015) about the possible ways we can measure the IQ of computers.

The human use of human beings. The Huffington Post (19/5/2015) discusses the future of work from a cybernetics perspective, and in particular in the face of cognitive computing taking over evermore human tasks.

Building artificial brains with electronics. The Huffington Post (21/4/2015), explains what is a memristor, as well as a neuristor, and how one can use these electronic components to build neuromporhic computers that can mimic biological brains.

Eaten by robots. The Huffington Post (17/2/2015) discussing the “attack” of a robotic vacuum cleaner on a woman in South Korea.

Welcome the mechasexual. The Huffington Post (27/1/2015) about an emerging sexual gender of humans loving androids.

Popular Science in various media

Let’s be intelligent about intelligent machines. Wired (01/04/2014), aiming to add balance in the debate about the perils of AI research and turn down the dial of paranoia.

What is it like to have an artificial mind? Virgin.com (11/3/15), exploring the differences between biological brains and computers, by using Hemingway’s famous flash novel.

Famelab crowns the best “stand-up scientist in the world”. The Guardian (9/6/2014). About Famelab International, a talent competition for young science communicators.

Why robot sex could be the future of life on Earth. The Telegraph (20/1/2014). An article about self-replicating machines, the Victorian debate on evolution between Charles Darwin and Samuel Butler, and why Mars could be the first planet populated by intelligent robots. Reprinted in The National Post, Canada and in The Age, Australia. It provided material for a commentary about robot sex in The Daily Mail.

Robots, the ‘uncanny valley’, and learning to love the alien. The Telegraph (25/11/2013). An article about the striking similarities between the uncanny valley phenomenon in robotics and Capgras Syndrome. The article was reprinted in the Vancouver Sun, Canada; and in The Age, Australia.

Love Machines. Aeon magazine (26/03/2013). An essay about the impact of recurring narratives with artificial beings on AI ideology and research.


Ladder to Heaven. Aeon magazine (7/06/2013). An essay about the esoteric Christian orthodox beliefs and practice on Mount Athos in Greece.