How to design “digital nudges”

[slideshare id=43348029&w=476&h=400&sc=no] With one of my clients I experimented with ideas from the 2008 book by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein "Nudge". My client was a B2B company active in internet radio technology and selling its product mostly through its website as SaaS. Their challenges were many, including the...

Digital transformation: what is it, and how to do it

[slideshare id=35332745&doc=transformdisrupt-140531072814-phpapp02] What is "digital transformation", and how to execute it for success? This deck explains how the success of internet startups to disrupt markets, together with four major technological drivers (big data & analytics, social & mobile, crowdsourcing & crowdfunding, and smart devices) are ushering a new era of...

Reinventing the business in the age of digital

[slideshare id=32883506&doc=reinventing-the-business-140329075026-phpapp01] This deck explains how a business integration approach can be applied in the era of digital transformation. Twenty years ago I used to apply the same approach in business re-engineering, with clients in several industries who wanted to automate their processes. At that time the challenge was to increase...

Crowdsourcing and AI: the original vision of my startup

[slideshare id=31887300&doc=workchanges-140304060624-phpapp02] I put together this presentation last year, to explain the original concept and vision for Cypsel, my startup. I tried to solve the problem of putting together ad hoc teams to solve problems. The original idea was diluted in the process of developing a product and ended up...

Gold and shovels

In 1848 James Marshall discovered gold in California. News spread quickly all over the world, about unimaginable riches that grew out of the ground. Historians estimate that around 300,000 people, mostly from the eastern states of US, but also from Asia, Europe, Australia and Latin America, travelled to California using...