The big problem with AI, and how to solve it

AI is a transformative technology with enormous economic, scientific and social benefit, one that is driving the fourth industrial revolution. Advanced machine learning algorithms are already dramatically changing how private and public institutions function, by automating numerous cognitive processes, generating new efficiencies, and enabling deeper, data-derived insights and predictions. Despite...

English Language and Science: a lecture and discussion I was honoured to be a participant in a public discussion about Science and the English Language, held at the English Speaking Union in London on 13the November 2014. My co-panelists are astrophysicist Roberto Trotta and geneticist Aarathi Prasad. The discussion follows a lecture by Trotta around his book...

Famelab International for the best “stand-up scientist”

[youtube] This is the final of Famelab International 2014, held at the Cheltenham Science Festival on June 5, 2014. I was one of the three judges, together with Jim Al-Khalili and Alice Roberts. I have been involved with Famelab International since its conception in 2007, have trained contestants, co-organized...

10 Equations that rule your life

[slideshare id=29907472&sc=no] I posted this presentation on SlideShare in order to connect everyday experience and mathematics. My intention was to use curiosity in order to present mathematics as relevant to everyday life. By juxtaposing pictures of people and snapshots of mathematical formulas I aimed to suggest semantic pairs where the...