The Chinese edition of “In Our Own Image”

Today I received copies of the Chinese Edition of my book "In Our Own Image: the history and future of Artificial Intelligence" sent by my Chinese publisher China Citic Press. To celebrate the arrival of the books a good friend send me this, in Chinese: 正如中国有一句讲到:要想富先修路 - it means (I m...

Digital Killed the Book?

[slideshare id=15657032&style=border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px&sc=no] Digital killed the book from George Zarkadakis In my presentation that went viral in SlideShare I present highlights of the "Salon Model", a concept that aims to decode the social aspect of reading books. My "big idea" is that although we (usually) read books...